Celtic Ireland


Learning about Celtic ireland
Faith Sacre Quigley
Mapa Mental por Faith Sacre Quigley , actualizado hace más de 1 año
Faith Sacre Quigley
Creado por Faith Sacre Quigley hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Celtic Ireland
  1. food
    1. they had bread+porridge
      1. It was made from oats,barley+ wheat
      2. milk+meat
        1. the cows provided fresh milk +salted meat in the winter
        2. roast pig
          1. It was there favorite
        3. Homes
          1. Some Celts lived in circular stone forts called Dúns
            1. they were built sometimes on hills
          2. Religion
            1. lugh
              1. War,festival of lughnasa called after him
              2. Brigid
                1. main goddess
                2. worship beside woods and streams
                3. Clothes
                  1. women
                    1. they wore ankle lenght tunics
                      1. in winter they wore clocks
                      2. rich people
                        1. they dyed their clothes in bright colours
                        2. makeup
                          1. both men and women wore it
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