Language Acquisition Terminology


Mapa Mental sobre Language Acquisition Terminology, creado por Tullia el 30/05/2013.
Mapa Mental por Tullia, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por Tullia hace casi 12 años

Resumen del Recurso

Language Acquisition Terminology
  1. Grammar
    1. Inflections
      1. Word endings; '-ing','-ed'.
      2. Holophrase
        1. Single word utterance.
        2. Rudimentary Statement
          1. Ommiting less important words in an utterance; 'bird gone'
          2. Non-Standard Verb Tense
            1. Applying a standard tense to non standard verb, e.g. catched.
            2. Non-Standard Plural
              1. Applying a standard verb tense to a non standard e.g. mouses
              2. Telegrammatical language
                1. Missing words out.
                2. Overgeneralisation
                  1. Incorrectly applying inflections. E.g. Sheeps
                  2. Grammatical Morphemes
                    1. '-s' for plurality and '-ed' for tense.
                    2. Inflectional Morphemes
                      1. Ways in which words order to mark tense e.g. run/ran/jumped or plural socks/children/sheep
                      2. Length of Utterance
                        1. Older the child, the more lengthy the utterance
                        2. Subordinate conjunctions
                          1. 'if', 'what', 'when' develop at about 5 years.
                          2. Two word utterances
                          3. Lexis
                            1. Fast Mapping
                              1. Linking a word after hearing to an object, can lead to over extension.
                              2. Over Extension
                                1. Words have a broader meaning e.g. dog for all animals.
                                2. Naming Explosion
                                  1. Dramatic increase in pace when children acquire language.
                                  2. Under Extension
                                    1. Words have a narrower meaning. E.g. 'shoes' when only referring to their own.
                                    2. Referential style
                                      1. Words mostly consist of references to people or places.
                                      2. Classification of 50 first words
                                        1. Naming things
                                          1. Actions or events
                                            1. Describing
                                              1. Personal
                                            2. Phonology
                                              1. Intonations
                                                1. Sound patterns produced by a variation in voice and tone.
                                                2. Pre-Verbal Stages
                                                  1. Biological noises
                                                    1. 0-8 weeks- coughing, crying
                                                  2. Cooing and Laughing
                                                    1. 8-20 weeks- Short vowel sunds
                                                    2. Vocal Play
                                                      1. 20-30 weeks- more definate and controlled
                                                      2. Babbling
                                                        1. 25-50 weeks
                                                        2. Melodic Utterances
                                                          1. 36-72 weeks- intonation, rhyme and melody
                                                        3. Links to AO2
                                                          1. Parental Contribution
                                                            1. Regulate, modify and correct child's speech.
                                                            2. CDS (Child Direct Speech) or Motherese
                                                              1. Adult 'talk' when speaking to children.
                                                              2. Linguistic Universal
                                                                1. An aspect of development that ALL children share
                                                                  1. Regulatory
                                                                    1. From parents. E.g. 'can I borrow...'
                                                                    2. Sociolinguistic rules
                                                                      1. Culturally determined rules that dictate how language should be used in a social context.
                                                                    3. Pragmatics
                                                                      1. Halliday's stages
                                                                        1. Instrumental
                                                                          1. Heuristic
                                                                            1. Representational
                                                                              1. Personal
                                                                                1. Imaginative
                                                                                  1. Interactional
                                                                                    1. Regulatory
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