Freehold Covenants


Mapa Mental sobre Freehold Covenants, creado por rashmisingh82 el 18/08/2014.
Mapa Mental por rashmisingh82, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por rashmisingh82 hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Freehold Covenants
  1. Restrictive
    1. E.G cannot run a business or build
    2. Positive
      1. Perform obligation e.g maintain boundary wall
      2. Covenantee - Benefit of a Cov
        1. Covenantor- has burden of a covenant
          1. Benefit @ Common Law
            1. cov 'touches and concerns' the land
              1. C'ee owns land benefited
                1. orig partied intended benefit to run
                  1. assignee derived title from orig C'ee
                  2. Burden @ Common Law, will not run at common law - Rhone vStephen but will if
                    1. chain of indemnity covs
                      1. Conveyance containing cov reserves rentcharge to make good breach of cov
                        1. Halsall v Brizell - cannot take benefit without obligation
                          1. Creating commonhold land
                          2. Benefit in Equity
                            1. annexation of the cov to the land - implied LPA s78
                              1. Express assignment of cov to buyer of benefiting land
                                1. Building scheme Elliston v Breacher
                                2. Burden in Equity - Tulk v Moxhay
                                  1. Cov is restrictive in nature
                                    1. original parties intented Burden to run LPA s79
                                      1. Cov'ee owned land capable of benefiting from the Cov @time created
                                        1. Party bound has notice if created after 1925 - protected by registration- notice in reg land or Dii land charge if unreg
                                          1. Also that buyer of ben land shows that ben has passed in equity not enough to show ben passes in common law
                                          2. Cov can be discharged or changed
                                            1. Land trib order s84(1) LPA1925
                                              1. cov obsolete or impedes reasonable use of land
                                              2. deed of release of variation by parties
                                                1. where both ben or burd land comes into common ownership (except building schemes)
                                                  1. where cov is void for non registration D(ii) land charge
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