PORTFOLIO 2nd Evaluation


Mapa Mental sobre PORTFOLIO 2nd Evaluation, creado por Álvaro Díaz Zurita el 29/11/2017.
Álvaro Díaz Zurita
Mapa Mental por Álvaro Díaz Zurita, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Álvaro Díaz Zurita
Creado por Álvaro Díaz Zurita hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

PORTFOLIO 2nd Evaluation
  1. Vocabulary
    1. House chores
      1. Changing a light bulb
        1. Blown-Burnt out
        2. Sewing a button
          1. Thread needles (enhebrar)
          2. Making a bed
            1. Quilt, duvet-> edredón
              1. Matress-> colchón
                1. Fitted sheet->cubrecolchón
                2. Do the washing up
                  1. Sink-> lavabo
                    1. Washing powder-> detergent
                      1. Household appliance-> electrodoméstico
                        1. Scrub(ber)-> estropajo
                          1. Rinse-> aclarar
                            1. Cutlery-> cubiertos
                            2. Ironing
                              1. Creased-wrinkled
                                1. Ironing board
                            3. Grammar
                              1. Reported speech
                                1. Statements
                                  1. I can do freestyle
                                    1. He said he could do freestyle
                                    2. She loves ice cream
                                      1. She told me (that) she loved ice cream
                                    3. Questions
                                      1. Did you see the movie?
                                        1. He asked me if I had seen the movie
                                        2. Will you go to the theatre?
                                          1. They asked me if I would go to the cinema
                                        3. Orders
                                          1. Make your bed!
                                            1. My mom told me to make my bed
                                            2. Don´t speak to me
                                              1. She told me not to speak to her
                                            3. Use of English
                                              1. Introductory verbs
                                              2. Present->past simple
                                                1. Past simple->past perfect
                                                  1. Will/can->would/could
                                                    1. ALWAYS AFFIRMATIVE, NEVER A QUESTION
                                                  2. Listening
                                                    1. Vocabulary
                                                      1. Doze off=Snooze
                                                        1. Fall asleep
                                                        2. Herein lies the problem
                                                          1. Inebriated
                                                            1. Drunk
                                                            2. Ostensibly
                                                              1. Apparently
                                                          2. EVAU
                                                            1. Questions 1,2,3,4
                                                              1. Do question 3 first
                                                                1. Then, from 1 to 4
                                                              2. Question 5
                                                                1. Content
                                                                  1. Do the task I am asked for
                                                                  2. Communicative achievement
                                                                    1. Use the right tone and level of formality
                                                                    2. Organisation
                                                                      1. Link the paragraphs together, logical flow
                                                                      2. Language
                                                                        1. Show off sparkling vocabulary
                                                                    3. Reading & Writing
                                                                      1. Vocabulary
                                                                        1. Splatters-> stains
                                                                          1. Stirred-> agitate
                                                                            1. Nuances-> matiz
                                                                              1. scathing-> literal
                                                                                1. Doodles-> garabato
                                                                                  1. Jagged->scattered
                                                                                  2. WRITING RESOURCE BANK
                                                                                  3. MOVIE
                                                                                    1. Topics
                                                                                      1. poverty
                                                                                        1. agressivity & rape
                                                                                          1. underdevelopment
                                                                                            1. lack of opportunities
                                                                                              1. bullying
                                                                                                1. illiteracy
                                                                                                2. Ideas
                                                                                                  1. Overcoming difficulties
                                                                                                    1. Importance of pride and self-steem
                                                                                                      1. Love yourself
                                                                                                        1. Opportunities do not last forever
                                                                                                        2. Personal reflexion
                                                                                                          1. You think as you live
                                                                                                            1. Have to try to live as you think
                                                                                                            2. There's always time to change
                                                                                                              1. Everything has a solution
                                                                                                                1. If you quit or reject doing something, you'll never know what could have happened
                                                                                                                2. Vocabulary
                                                                                                                  1. Welfare
                                                                                                                    1. Rape
                                                                                                                      1. dignity
                                                                                                                        1. wisdom
                                                                                                                          1. self-steem
                                                                                                                        Mostrar resumen completo Ocultar resumen completo


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