Health and Safety


GCSE Business Communication Mapa Mental sobre Health and Safety, creado por dramaqueen72 el 31/05/2013.
Mapa Mental por dramaqueen72, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por dramaqueen72 hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Health and Safety
  1. The HSE is the Health and Executive Unit and it collects reports of accidents within the company.
    1. £5 million is lost through absence, illness and staff turn-over.
      1. RSI stands for Repetitive Strain Injury.
        1. Symptoms of RSI are wrist ache, neck ache and fatigue.
          1. Call Centres are open plan Offices.
            1. Hot-desking means first come, first served.
              1. The problem with Hot-desking is that the desks, chairs and computer screens will be at the wrong height and this could cause neck/back ache.
                1. Sick-building Syndrome is caused by Sealed buildings (windows closed) and some symptons are headaches, sore throats and a runny nose/
                  1. 3 ways accidents can happen in an office are tripping over wires, back/neck ache through computers at the wrong height and glare from the Window/Computer.
                    1. Over-work, public critisism and setting un-realistic targets are ways of bullying in an office.
                      1. Stress has increased in the work place because the number of employees has reduced which means there is more work for the other employees, causing stress and if an employee is stressed it will create a negative atmosphere, making the other employees stressed, too.
                        1. To avoid stress, the employer should make sure the employees are doing okay and make sure they have a short break after an hour.
                          1. A Health and Safety policy is needed when there are 5 or more employees.
                            1. To have an accident book, there has to be 10 or more employees.
                              1. A trained first aider is needed when the company has 50 or more employees.
                                1. Manual handling, slips, trips and falls and Safety Equipment are needed for a Risk Assesment.
                                  1. The requirements for the Display Screen Equipment Regulations are the employee gets free eye tests from the company if they use VDU's as a significant part of their work and if they need glasses, the company pays for the basic pair.
                                    1. Employers are required to give information to the employees about Health and Safety and about the equipment and how to use it.
                                      1. If an employer fails to comply with Health and Safety laws, they will be fined.
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