Obligations and Contracts


Mapa Mental sobre Obligations and Contracts, creado por belmarlasam64734 el 20/08/2014.
Mapa Mental por belmarlasam64734, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por belmarlasam64734 hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Obligations and Contracts
  1. Obligation defined
    1. Art. 1156
    2. Sources of obligations
      1. Art. 1157
      2. Obligations derived from law
        1. Art. 1158
          1. Law which establishes them and provisions of Book 4
        2. Obligations arising from contracts
          1. Art. 1159
          2. Obligations derived from quasi-cotracts
            1. Art. 1160
              1. Chapter 1, Title XVII
            2. Civil obligations arising from criminal offenses
              1. Art. 1161
                1. Penal laws, art. 2177 pert. provs. of Prelim. title on human rel., Title XVIII book 4
              2. Obligations derived from quasi-delicts
                1. Art. 1162
                  1. Chapter 2, Title XVII book 4, special laws
                2. Diligence of a good father
                  1. Art. 1163
                  2. Fruits of the thing
                    1. Art. 1164
                    2. Thing to be delivered is determinate/indeterminate
                      1. Art. 1165
                      2. Delivery of accessions and accessories
                        1. Art. 1166
                        2. Cost to be executed by debtor
                          1. Art. 1167
                          2. Obligation not to do
                            1. Art. 1168
                            2. Delay
                              1. Art. 1169
                              2. Fraud, neglience, delay, contravention of the tenor of obligation
                                1. Art. 1170
                                2. Fraud
                                  1. Art. 1171
                                  2. Negligence
                                    1. Art. 1172
                                    2. Omission of diligence
                                      1. Art. 1173
                                        1. Art. 1171, par. 2 of Art. 2201
                                      2. Usurious transactions
                                        1. Art. 1175
                                        2. Fortuitous events
                                          1. Art. 1174
                                          2. Receipt of the principal by the creditor
                                            1. Art. 1176
                                            2. Rights of the creditor
                                              1. Art. 1177
                                              2. Rights transmissible
                                                1. Art. 1178
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