Battle of Saratoga


american revolution
Chloe McCloskey
Mapa Mental por Chloe McCloskey, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Chloe McCloskey
Creado por Chloe McCloskey hace alrededor de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Battle of Saratoga
  1. Burgoyne plan - take control of New York and Hudson River
    1. 3 armies march on Albany and take capital and the patriot army supplies there
      1. Howe - Manhattan to Albany
        1. Burgoyne - Canada to Albany
          1. St. Leger - Ohio River Valley to Albany
            1. Burgoyne gets as far as Saratoga and surrounded by American troops
              1. Green Mountain Boys
                1. October 1777 - Burgoyne surrenders his army "turning point of the war"
                  1. France, Spain, Netherlands are now allies
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