The city


Year 10 (Landscape and identity - extended response) English Sm 1 Mapa Mental sobre The city, creado por marion.wilson el 01/06/2013.
Mapa Mental por marion.wilson, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por marion.wilson hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

The city
  1. Effect of this landscape in Literature
    1. To put emphasis on the person's loneliness
      1. provide a very complex situation for the character
        1. To provide a scenario where the character feels small/ lost
        2. How is it portrayed
          1. Who Portrays it
            1. Film Makers
              1. Artists
                1. Poets
                  1. Authors
                  2. Physically
                    1. Dark
                      1. Dirty
                        1. Crowded
                          1. Monotoned
                          2. Emotionally
                            1. Unforgiving
                              1. Lonely
                                1. Harsh
                                  1. Confusing
                                2. Examples
                                  1. John Bracks 'Collin street at 5pm'
                                    1. Uniformed
                                      1. Monotoned
                                        1. Everyone/thing the same
                                        2. The Unknown Terrorist
                                          1. THE POEM
                                          2. Stereotypes
                                            1. People
                                              1. Posh
                                                1. Civilised
                                                  1. Successful
                                                    1. Well educated
                                                      1. Rich
                                                        1. Backstabbing
                                                          1. Pompus
                                                            1. Rushing
                                                            2. Landscape
                                                              1. Office buildings
                                                                1. Everything the same
                                                                  1. Uniformed
                                                                    1. A tight system
                                                                      1. Busy
                                                                        1. Always alive
                                                                          1. Never sleeps
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                                                                        The Outback
                                                                        The bush
                                                                        The city
                                                                        VOCABULARY "THE CITY"
                                                                        Edgar Chan
                                                                        Historia Contemporánea: Los fascismos
                                                                        María Salinas
                                                                        Guerra civil
                                                                        Daniel Gonzalez2941
                                                                        MARCO CONCEPTUAL NIIF
                                                                        CAUSAS Y CONSECUENCIAS DE TRATA Y TRAFICO DE PERSONAS
                                                                        claudia layme
                                                                        Mapa Conceptual Resolucion 1995 de 1999
                                                                        FGM-3. REALES ORDENANZAS PARA LAS FUERZAS ARMADAS (I)
                                                                        antonio del valle
                                                                        HISTORIA DE LA COMPUTADORA
                                                                        SERGYO DAVID CALDERON QUINTERO