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B6 U21- How health and social care developed in the UK
Other K101 Mapa Mental sobre B6 U21- How health and social care developed in the UK, creado por Ashleigh Fox el 01/06/2013.
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Mapa Mental por
Ashleigh Fox
, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por
Ashleigh Fox
hace más de 11 años
Resumen del Recurso
B6 U21- How health and social care developed in the UK
The vision of an all inclusive welfare state
Before the Welfare State - lack of basic, accessible health service
1930s - unemployment soaring meaning many people could not afford medical help
After the war, no-one wanted to go back to how things were
'Total war' - involving civilians and armed forces
Coalition government - Winston Churchill
1941 - Sir William Beveridge is appointed to look at social insurance and social services
1942 - Social Insurance and Allied Services - "Beveridge Report"
universal scheme covering everyone
unified and simple - people only had to pay into one fund to cover every benefit
Not means tested
national minimum - basic necessities covered
'Flat rate' scheme - everyone pays the same and if claiming, they claim the same
The Beveridge Report - Implications for Care
Back to the drawing board
Social Care - the poor relation?
The new National Health Service
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