
Mapa Mental sobre WILD TALES, creado por Chloe Rouse el 07/01/2018.
Chloe Rouse
Mapa Mental por Chloe Rouse, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Chloe Rouse
Creado por Chloe Rouse hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

      1. MAKEUP AND COSTUME: The waitress is wearing a pale pastlee green top which looks dirty and shows the non purity she has. The colour also represents the character she is, how she is to weak to stand up to her enimie and shows she isnt a strong character.
        1. MAKEUP AND COSTUME: The actress is wearing minimal makeup, the make up she is wearing to to allow her to look pale and dirty. this goes with the staging of the dirty restaurant.
          1. MAKEUP AND COSTUME: The man who is the victim in the scene shows confusion to the viewers as the clothes he is wearing does not connotate him to be the villian in the scene. He is wearing a white shirt and black trousers asthough he has come from work. you can mainly see the white shirt as he is sitting down in most of the scene, white connotates purity
            1. This allows the viewer to be confused with whether he is the Villian as he is not wearing the appropriate costume for this role.
              1. MAKEUP AND COSTUME: However when does start to show rude and aggressive trates towards the waitress we begin to see more of the black in his clothing to show that there is evil inside him
            2. MAKEUP AND COSTUME: The women who kills the man in the scene wears passtlee colours aswell as the waitress however she is wearing blue. she is older and also has no colour to her face which allows her to blend in with the staging. She is also not wearing outstanding colours which would allow the audience to identify which character she is. However because she is matching with the pastlee theme we assume she is good.
            3. STAGING: The scene is portrayed in a restaurant that has very poor hygiene and looks grubby. This represents the scene as it allows the viewers to feel on edge when watching as though something bad will happen.
            4. WEDDING
              1. MAKEUP AND COSTUME: In the beginning of the scene the Bride wears traditional white wedding dress, hair up with vale and light make up. this shows the purity of the bride.
                1. MAKEUP AND COSTUME: In the beginning of the scene the groom is dressed in a black and white suit which is also very traditional. this however shows poth purity and evil. black connotates death which allows the audience to fear trouble.
                  1. MAKE UP AND COSTUME: the groom has now got patches of blood covering his suit which represents he has been in danger or is show to be the one portraying the danger upon others. it also matches with the bride who is covered in blood to allow the audience to recognise that they are a pear.
                  2. MAKEUP AND COSTUME: The white gown is covered in blood and black dirt. this now connotates that the bride is no longer pure and how she has transformed to be more deadly and dangerous.
                    1. MAKEUP AND COSTUME: Her eyes are black to connotates the evil and death that has come out of her being the bride. Blood and cuts are scattered along her face and she is now pale.
                  3. STAGING: The beginning of the scene- The staging is set in the wedding reception after the marriage. The variety of colours inside the room are spread around by the disco ball to represent the ectatic emotion filled by the bride, groom and the guests at the wedding.
                    1. STAGING: This allows the audience to understand how everyone at the wedding feels automatically.
                      1. STAGING: In the end of the scene the room is dark and covered with blood. this represents the danger that has come of the wedding and emphasisies the huge change in the mood.
                    2. CARS
                      1. MAKEUP AND COSTUME: There is a large difference between the two men the one we see first looks wealthy, he is driving a new car. he is also wearing a suit and dressed like a business man.
                        1. MAKEUP AND COSTUME: The other man is driving an old truck, this portrays he has lower wealth then the previous man. he is dressed in an old shirt and looks grubby/unclean.
                          1. The audience portray this character to be the enimie from the way he looks.
                    3. CINEMATOGRAPHY
                      1. The cinematography helps the film flow throughout the six scenes.
                        1. Between the scenes to be clear that there is a different story there are blank pauses for roughly 3 seconds. This allows the audience to immedietly understand that new scene is beginning
                          1. The scenes are dusky and dull which relates back to the theme as the theme is extreme revenge, it creates a sense of suspicion.
                        2. CAMERA ANGLES: In the scene with the two men arguing, the camera angles show close ups of the actions one of the men would do to effect the other, we then see the other mans reaction to this to portray his emotion to the viewers.
                          1. This repeats throughout the scene. from this we can see both men's reactions to understand the emotions they are feeling allowing us to be more involved in the scene.
                        3. SOUND
                          1. WEDDING
                            1. In the begening of the scene the people at the wedding reception are happy, singing, cheering and showing joyous emotion. this allows the viewers to imediatley understand the emotion of the characters
                              1. In the end of the scene there are scemes of fear, shouting, crying and crys for help. this immediatley shows a contrast between the two emotions and allows the viewr to understand the two different emotions
                              2. The wedding also includes music, this music is upbeat and represets the happy emotion everyone has. It allows the audience to feel happy also to link to the other scharacters on their emotion level.
                              3. CAR
                                1. In the begining of the scene music is played from the drivers sterio, it is relaxing and peaceful. When there is a moment of tention the music dies down and becomes scilent. This allows the tention to build throughout the scene.
                                  1. The music becomes to sound like a chace between the two drivers. this builds the tention. the music stops when each of the drivers speak.
                                  2. AIROPLANE
                                    1. There is harly any music in this scene. when there is music there is small masses of it. It is mainly the people on the airoplane talking. when the tesion starts to build and there is more confusion on the plane, violines are played in the the gaps of converstations. they are ghigh pitched noises to allow the audience to understand that something bad is happening.
                                      1. When the characters begin to get suspicious the music pauses and begins to get lower. this is a sign of danger throughout this scene.
                                    2. EDITING
                                      1. CAR
                                        1. The colour of the scene begins to create a yellow tinge. this represents that the man is stranded in the dessert and shows that the route hes taking isn't as clear as he thought it would be.
                                          1. In the beggining of the scene the picture is clear and all colours in the scene are inhansed. This portrays to the audience the journey he is taking and how easy it is at first.
                                        2. WEDDING
                                          1. In the begining of the scene colourful lights are shone over the hall, this represents the happiness of the bride and groom and reflects the emotion felt.
                                            1. There are also pictures displayed on the wall of memories of the two and how they have shared their lives together. the colours coordinate with this as it shows that they are happy to be together
                                              1. The lights enhance and strobe lights egin to shine. as the music gets louder and more up beat the lights begin to shine more. The bride skips out of hididng and the emotion on her face is emphasised by the lighting and editing of the party
                                                1. When the confession of the cheating comes out and the party becomes more intense the colourful, strobe lights are turned off and the normasl lights are turned on. this shows that they are back in reality and a more formal matter.
                                            2. BOMB
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