Knowledge management: journey


For more information check out the course HKPolyUx: ISE101x Knowledge Management and Big Data in Business on
Prohor Leykin
Mapa Mental por Prohor Leykin, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Prohor Leykin
Creado por Prohor Leykin hace alrededor de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Knowledge management: journey
  1. How to start
    1. Strategy
      1. Business strategy
        1. KM strategy
        2. Small, short-term realistic projects
          1. Taxonomy
            1. KM champion, owner, ambassador, researcher
              1. Determine knowledge assets
                1. Story-telling
                  1. Near miss cases
                    1. Individual and group peer - activity networks.
                      1. Sense-making
                        1. Generating knowledge repository
                        2. Sharing, classifying
                          1. Commenting, tagging
                            1. Replying
                          2. Risks (70% fail)
                            1. No corellation to a business strategy, goals
                              1. Unknown strategy
                              2. No share culture
                                1. No KM champions, ambassadors, уес
                                2. No support from stakeholders
                                  1. Security resrictions
                                    1. More difficult to use than online mobile services
                                      1. Treated as a project with an end date
                                      2. Treasures
                                        1. Real way to gain input from collaboration, creative work, innovation
                                          1. The main way to gain advantage in epoch of Big Bata (when amount of accesible data is greater, when possibilities to process it)
                                          2. What to build, cultivate
                                            1. Share culture
                                              1. Knowledge base
                                              2. Connections
                                                1. People to people
                                                  1. People to documents
                                                    1. People to knowledge
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