Is Anatomy Destiny?


Sociology Mapa Mental sobre Is Anatomy Destiny?, creado por Micailah Moore el 10/01/2018.
Micailah Moore
Mapa Mental por Micailah Moore, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Micailah Moore
Creado por Micailah Moore hace alrededor de 7 años
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Resumen del Recurso

Is Anatomy Destiny?
  1. Biology: Foundation (Not sure what I meant by this)
    1. Criteria: Critical Periods. Kitten studies. Orphans in countries with high amount of orphans. Language (4-5 years old)
      1. Visual Cues: Appearance (genitals). Baby X studies.
      2. Anatomy: Genitalia, Chromosomes, Hormones
        1. Sex differentiation happens in two stages
          1. In the first 6 weeks of gestation (first trimester) all fetuses are “bi-potential”
            1. Androgen wash interacts with chromosomes.
              1. In the second trimester, the brain development of sex develops.
          2. Hormones: all human beings have estrogen, androgens, and testosterone.
            1. On average, men have higher testosterone and women have higher estrogen
              1. Asian men on average have lower levels of testosterone than American women.
                1. There is no link between hormones and behavior.
                  1. Human behavior is contextual. Socially acceptable means of aggression: men= violence, women = language.
              2. Chromosomes: expected pattern is XX, XY. 46 chromosomes total, 23 from each parent.
                1. Chromosomal anomalies are from disjunctures in sperm production.
                  1. Possible Anomalies: XO, XXX, XXY, XYY
                    1. XO: Turner Syndrome. Don’t develop sex organs. Feminized genitalia. Take estrogen to mimic puberty. No social differences than other females.
                      1. XXX: Triple X, Trisomy. Feminized external genitalia. Taller than average female. Mild learning disabilities. Some have issues in puberty. No significant differences.
                        1. XXY: Klinefelter Syndrome. Genitalia is masculine. Smaller than average penises, but not micro-penises. Voices don’t deepen. Do not grow body hair. No social differences than other men.
                          1. XYY: Jacob’s Syndrome. Similar to Trisomy. Taller than average male. Mild learning disabilities. (Social expectations= petty crimes, prison)
                      2. Hormonal anomalies (in XX, XY)
                        1. Adrenogenital Syndrome. XX Masculine genitals. Inside: female. Outside: enlarged clitoris, labia fused. No social differences.
                          1. Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome. XY outside: female genitalia. Raised as girls. No puberty. No internal sex organs. No differences socially.
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