Child rights


University (Chapter 4) Psychology 144 Mapa Mental sobre Child rights, creado por Zeneatha Jònsson el 26/08/2014.
Zeneatha Jònsson
Mapa Mental por Zeneatha Jònsson, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Zeneatha Jònsson
Creado por Zeneatha Jònsson hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Child rights
  1. 0-3 Years:
    1. protection from physical danger
      1. adequate nutrition & healthcare
        1. appropriate immunisations
          1. a primary caregiver with whom to form a bond
            1. things to look at, hear, taste & smell
              1. opportunities to explore their world
                1. appropriate language stimulation
                  1. support in acquiring new motor, language & thinking skills
                    1. a chance to develop some independance
                      1. help with learning how to control their behavior
                        1. opportunities to learn to care for themselves
                          1. daily opportunities to play with a variety of objects
                          2. Preschool:
                            1. all of the prior mentioned opportunities
                              1. oppertunites to develop fine motor skills
                                1. encouragement of language through talking, being read to & singing
                                  1. activities that will develop sense of mastery
                                    1. experimentation with pre-writing and reading skills
                                      1. hands on exploration for learning through action
                                        1. opportunites for taking responcability and making their own choices
                                          1. encouragement to develop self-control, cooperation & persistence in completing projects
                                            1. support for their sense of worth
                                              1. opportunities for self-expression
                                                1. encuregment of creativity
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