Innate Immunity :)


El usuario ha eliminado su información de asignaturas Mapa Mental sobre Innate Immunity :), creado por Usuario eliminado el 23/01/2018.
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Plymouth Med
Creado por Plymouth Med hace alrededor de 7 años
Plymouth Med
Copiado por Plymouth Med hace alrededor de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Innate Immunity :)
  1. Physical Barriers
    1. Skin
      1. Mucosa
        1. Acidic pH
          1. Tears (antiseptic)
            1. Cilia
              1. Enzymes
                1. Microcidal molecules
                2. First Line Defense
                  1. Normal Microbial Flora
                    1. Serum Proteins
                      1. Complement (Cascade)
                        1. Classical
                          1. Antigen-Antibody
                            1. More common one
                          2. Alternative
                            1. Spontaneous
                              1. Ex: Bacterial Toxins
                              2. all 3 lead to C3 convertsase
                                1. Cleaves
                                  1. C3a
                                    1. anaphalotoxin
                                      1. Mast cell degranulation
                                        1. Release Histamine
                                          1. Increased Vasodilation
                                          2. Release Bradykinin
                                            1. Increased Vascular Permeability
                                              1. Rolling Adhesion of Leukocytes
                                                        1. Vasodilation
                                                            1. blood flow slows down
                                                              1. allows monocytes to roll along epithelial edges
                                                      1. S
                                                        1. S
                                                          1. S
                                                            1. S
                                                          2. Selectins
                                                            1. Binds to glycoproteins on leukocyte to slow it down
                                                            2. I
                                                              1. I
                                                                1. I
                                                                  1. I
                                                                2. Integrins
                                                                  1. Activated by neutrophil activation
                                                                    1. Stops monocyte
                                                                  2. L
                                                                    1. L
                                                                      1. L
                                                                        1. L
                                                                          1. L
                                                                            1. Diapedesis
                                                                              1. macrophage goes into the epithelium to site of injury
                                                                      2. Leukocyte
                                                                    2. epithelium
                                                                      1. IL-1
                                                                        1. TNF alpha
                                                                            1. Chemokines increases adhesiveness of epithelial cells
                                                                      2. Pathogen
                                                                        1. Break in Epithelium
                                                                          1. IL-8 released
                                                                            1. chemotaxis
                                                                              1. leukocytes come over
                                                                                1. 1. Neutrophils
                                                                                  1. 2. Antigen Presenting Cells
                                                                                    1. Dendritic Cells
                                                                                      1. Macrophages
                                                                                        1. Go off to lymph node to present antigen
                                                                                          1. Start of Acquired Immunity
                                                                                      2. 3. Natural Killer Cells
                                                                                        1. Detects clumps of bacteria
                                                                                          1. Clumping due to antibodies
                                                                                  2. Prostaglandins released
                                                                          2. Promotes Inflammation
                                                                            1. Loss of functionality
                                                                              1. Swelling
                                                                                1. Pain
                                                                                  1. Heat
                                                                                  2. Redness
                                                                          3. C3b
                                                                            1. Leads to cleaving of C5
                                                                              1. C5a
                                                                                1. C5b
                                                                                  1. C5b-9
                                                                                    1. Membrane Attack Complex (MAC)
                                                                                2. Complement
                                                                                  1. Opsonin
                                                                                    1. Coats bacteria
                                                                                      1. Enhances chemotaxis and phagocytosis
                                                                          4. Mannase-Binding Lectin
                                                                            1. Interact with bacteria directly
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