Data Mining from Big Data 4V-s


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Resumen del Recurso

Data Mining from Big Data 4V-s
  1. Volume - the simpliest
    1. High dimensions
      1. Large number of records
        1. New sources
        2. Velocity harder
          1. Interaction with a customer
            1. Capture data, learn and act
              1. Enhance customer's journey
                1. Iteratively improve user expericence
          2. Variety - the hardest
            1. Number of data owners exploded
            2. Value
              1. KYC (know your customer)
                1. Difficult for internet companies - never sees customers
                2. Being able to exploit all the data available
                  1. Age of analythics
                    1. Access to Data
                      1. SQL
                        1. Look-up a few records
                          1. Populate standard report
                          2. OLAP, mining
                            1. Create new report
                            2. Data Mining
                              1. Locate a problem
                                1. Optimize business process
                                  1. Answer a tough question
                                    1. Understand something new
                                      1. Finding interesting structure in data
                                        1. Interesting patterns
                                          1. Segmentation, data clustering
                                          2. Predictive models
                                            1. Classification, regression
                                            2. Hidden relations
                                              1. Affinity (summarization) - relation between fields, associations
                                              2. Work for Data scientist
                                                1. Understands business needs
                                                  1. Able to close those gaps
                                                    1. Algorithms
                                                      1. Knows more about statistics than programmer
                                                      2. Data logic
                                                        1. Knows more about programming, than statistician
                                                  2. Technologies
                                                    1. Summarization
                                                      1. Variable corellation
                                                        1. Frequent itemsets
                                                          1. Association rules
                                                          2. Clustering
                                                            1. Distance
                                                              1. Partition
                                                                1. Sequence analysis
                                                                2. Classification / prediction
                                                                  1. Decision trees
                                                                    1. Neural networks
                                                                      1. Bayers nets
                                                                        1. Regression
                                                                          1. Support vector machines
                                                                      2. But
                                                                        1. End user is not a statistician
                                                                          1. Lack data warehousing expertise
                                                                            1. IT focus is to keep running
                                                                              1. Building data warehouse is too expensive
                                                                          2. Proliferating analytics throughout the organization
                                                                            1. Make every part of business smarter
                                                                              1. Embedding analytics into every area
                                                                                1. Significant business value
                                                                              2. Acquire and enhance actions
                                                                                1. Marketing and sales
                                                                                  1. Identify potential customer
                                                                                    1. Establish campaign effectiveness
                                                                                    2. Manufacturing process
                                                                                      1. Causes of manufacturing problems
                                                                                      2. Customer behaviour
                                                                                        1. Affinities, propensities
                                                                                        2. Fraudulent transaction detection
                                                                                          1. Loan approval
                                                                                            1. Establish credit worthiness of customer
                                                                                            2. Web analytics and metrics
                                                                                              1. Model user preferences
                                                                                                1. Recommendation, targeting
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