The Treaty of Versailles
was signed on the 28th of
June 1919, near Paris.
Armistice: An
agreement to stop
Self-Determination: The
belief that national groups
in Europe should be given
their independence and
have their own country
Diktat: A german
word meaning
dictated or
Demilitarised zone: An
area where it is forbidden
to place military forces
Major provisions
MILITARY: * Germany's army had to be reduced to 100,000 men
* Germany's navy had to be reduced to only a few ships on
costal patrols * Germany could not develop a airforce
COLONIAL: Germany lost all colonies
Reparations: Germany had to pay for WWI
WAR GUILT: Germany had to take full responsibility for causing the war.
TERRITORIAL: * Germany had to return the territories they took from
France * Germans coal producing area was put under international control
and the coal was going to France * Posen was given to poland * The
rhineland was to be a demilitrised zone