english vocabulary: strike


english vocabulary
Andrea Lladro
Mapa Mental por Andrea Lladro, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Andrea Lladro
Creado por Andrea Lladro hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

english vocabulary: strike
  1. struck struck
    1. the exceptions are that you can be stricken with guilt, a misfortune, a wound or a disease, and a passage in a document could be stricken out (tachar) The rest of the strike : struck struck
    2. to hit = golpear
      1. to attack
        1. to attack
          1. to hit a target
            1. to crash into
              1. clock sound
                1. lightning hit
                  1. sound from hitting
                    1. to strike sby as sth: give the impression
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