Barriers to entry


economics Mapa Mental sobre Barriers to entry, creado por Jia Jun Neo el 30/01/2018.
Jia Jun Neo
Mapa Mental por Jia Jun Neo, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Jia Jun Neo
Creado por Jia Jun Neo hace alrededor de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Barriers to entry
  1. Natural
    1. 1. Extensive IEOS
      1. New entrants produce at smaller scale than incumbent firms
        1. cost disadv, higher unit COP
          1. ↓ ability to price g&s competitively
      2. 2. High Start-up Costs
        1. Prospective firms lack funds
          1. Entails significant risks
            1. e.g. air travel , railway transport , telecommunications
          2. due to high k requirements
          3. 3. Network Effects
            1. product gains more value as more people use it
              1. established firms have strong network effects
                1. e.g. Whatsapp , Facebook , Instagram , Snapchat
                  1. something new firms will lack, hence BTE
                2. exists only in industries of certain nature
                  1. e..g. Social Media
              2. Artificial
                1. 3. Intellectual Property Rights
                  1. Patents
                    1. for inventions & discoveries
                      1. e.g. Ford's patent on autonomous police cars
                      2. Grants creators legal right to be sole producer & distributor of product
                      3. Copyrights
                        1. for works of authorship
                          1. e.g. books, artistic paintings
                        2. 2. Tariffs, Quotas & Trade Restrictions
                          1. Limits qty of a gd that can be exported to another cty
                            1. ↑ difficulty for firms to penetrate international mkt
                          2. 1. Licenses
                            1. Grants legal rights to produce
                              1. e.g. Free-to-Air Nationwide Radio Service Licence in SG for radio broadcasting
                            2. Strategic
                              1. 1. Branding
                                1. firm advertises & creates distinctive image for itself or its product
                                  1. influences csr's T&P
                                    1. Brand Loyalty
                                      1. Consumers reluctant to switch to substitutes
                                        1. difficult for new firms to win over mkt share
                                2. 2. Control over essential resources
                                  1. New entrants unable to produce
                                  2. 3. Aggressive Tactics
                                    1. Predatory Pricing
                                      1. Aggressive Advertising
                                        1. Limit Pricing
                                        2. 4. High R&D Expenditure
                                          1. Substantial funds needed to match level of competition
                                            1. E.g. Pharmaceutical, Smartphones

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