The behavioural model


A-Levels (Abnormality) Psychology Mapa Mental sobre The behavioural model, creado por WhisperedWishes el 03/06/2013.
Mapa Mental por WhisperedWishes, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por WhisperedWishes hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

The behavioural model
  1. The behavioural model concetrates on observable behaviour. It focuses on abnormal behaviour, which it perceives as occurring through classical conditioning, operant conditioning and social learning.
    1. Classical conditioning.
      1. Classical conditioning is a method of learning where innate reflexes become paired with innate become paired with other stimuli through repeated association.
        1. e.g. Learning through association.
      2. The case of Little Albert - Classical Conditioning.
        1. Albert was shown a variety of stimuli, including a white rat, a rabbit and some cotton wool. He showed no fear reaction to any.
          1. A loud noise was made behind Albert, making him cry. He was then given a white rat to play with, and was unafraid.
            1. As he reached for the rat, the loud noise struck again. The procedure was repeated three times, and then variations continued for three months.
              1. Subsequently, when shown the rat Albert would cry and crawl away. He was also afraid of other white fluffy objects such as a fur coat and Santa's beard.
                1. Conditioned responses, including love, fear and phobias are acquired as a direct result of environmental experiences.
                2. Operant conditioning.
                  1. Operant conditioning is a method of learning where the likelihood of a behaviour occurring is increased or decreased through the use of rewards.
                    1. e.g. Learning through a reward system.
                  2. Frude - Operant Conditioning.
                    1. Frude found that operant conditioning could act as a positive reinforcement for the continuation of the dieting process into anorexia.
                    2. Social learning.
                      1. Social learning is a method of learning occurring through the observation and imitation of others.
                        1. e.g. Learning through a role model.
                      2. Becker - Social Learning.
                        1. Before 1995, Fijian women did not receive western television. By 1998, 74% of women said they were 'too big' or 'fat' and had eating disorders previously unknown on the island.
                        2. Therapies.
                          1. Systematic desensitisation.
                            1. Client is taught deep muscle relaxation techniques.
                              1. The therapist and client discuss the problem.
                                1. They develop a 'fear hierarchy' of the client's phobia.
                                  1. Jones used SD to eradicate Little Peter's fear of white fluffy objects using a rabbit.
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