A lot of Fuss


Mapa Mental sobre A lot of Fuss, creado por Batool Aldaher el 11/02/2018.
Batool Aldaher
Mapa Mental por Batool Aldaher, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Batool Aldaher
Creado por Batool Aldaher hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

A lot of Fuss
  1. Complain
    1. Abdominal Pain
      1. Bloating
        1. Flatulence
          1. Causes
            1. Lactose intolerance
              1. Dypepsia
                1. Celiac disease
                  1. IBS
                    1. H. plyori
                      1. Hiatal Hernia
                        1. Cystic fibrosis
                          1. Appendicitis
        2. Fatigue
          1. Iron deficiency anemia
            1. cause
              1. Increase loss
                1. dietary deficiency
                2. Labs:
                  1. decrease: MCV-MCH-MCHC
                    1. Decrease iron & iron saturation
                      1. Increase TIBC & RDW
                3. Steatorrhoea
                  1. Casues
                    1. Chronic pancreatitis
                      1. Celiac disease
                        1. Bile obstruction
                          1. Crohn's disease
                  2. Irritable bowel syndrome
                    1. Signs and symptoms:
                      1. Abdominal pain
                        1. Cramping
                          1. excess gas
                            1. Diarrhea or constipation
                              1. Mucus in stool
                      2. causes:
                        1. unknown
                        2. Pathophysiology
                          1. not clear
                        3. Anatomy of small intestine
                          1. Histology of Small Intestine
                            1. Fat Digestion
                              1. Bile acid secretion
                                1. Emulsification of lipid aggregates
                              2. Celiac Disease
                                1. Lab tests:
                                  1. Serology
                                    1. antibody testing
                                      1. Hematologic tests
                                        1. Stool examination
                                    2. Imaging
                                      1. Barium swollowig
                                    3. Pathogenesis
                                      1. Signs and Symotoms
                                        1. Inheritance pattern
                                          1. specific HLA
                                            1. HLA-DQ2.5
                                              1. HLA-DQ8
                                                1. HLA-DQ2.2
                                          2. Complication
                                            1. Lactose Intolerance
                                              1. osteoporosis.
                                                1. Iron deficiency anemia.
                                                  1. Lymphoma
                                            2. Life style changes
                                              1. Gluten Free Diet
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