1.4 wired and wireless networking


Mapa Mental sobre 1.4 wired and wireless networking, creado por Sam Power el 14/02/2018.
Sam Power
Mapa Mental por Sam Power, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Sam Power
Creado por Sam Power hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

1.4 wired and wireless networking
  1. WAN
    1. Wide Area Network
      1. Bigger geographical area
        1. Multiple sites
          1. The biggest would be a global collection of Networks (the Internet
          2. Packet
            1. Holds 4 bits of information
              1. It has a life spam
                1. Contains a sequence number
                  1. Knows the sender and the recipients IP number
                  2. LAN
                    1. It has less sites than WAN
                      1. Connects the local devices it can connect to
                        1. Has a small Geographical area
                        2. Router
                          1. a interconnection device used on networks to connect two or more devices
                            1. the router examines the packets IP address
                              1. the swich
                              2. Switch
                                1. A switch is a Interconnection that connects two or more devices
                                2. Transmission Media
                                  1. Ethernet cat 5E an cat6
                                    1. Know as twisted pair
                                      1. A Networking standard
                                      2. Client server
                                        1. they all request services from the server
                                        2. peer to peer
                                          1. all computers have equal status
                                            1. you pay for someone to manage the server
                                              1. each device can act as a client server
                                                1. all devices can request and provide network services
                                                  1. software info has local installation
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