Explanations For Disorders Of Sleep


A Level (Levels of Consciousness) PY4 Psychology Mapa Mental sobre Explanations For Disorders Of Sleep, creado por HeyThereIAmKyle el 05/06/2013.
Mapa Mental por HeyThereIAmKyle, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por HeyThereIAmKyle hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Explanations For Disorders Of Sleep
  1. Insomnia


    • Insomnia is the inability to obtain an adequate amount or quality of sleep. The difficulty can be in falling asleep, remaining asleep, or both. People with insomnia do not feel refreshed when they wake up
    1. 3 types of insomnia; Transient (a few nights) Short term (two or four weeks) Chronic (longer than a month)
      1. Tr and ST can be caused by stress, change of environment whereas Ch can be caused by mental/physical disorders
      2. Internal Factors
        1. Familial Fatal Insomnia affects both sexes eqaully with high likelihood of being genetically carried on
          1. Lugaresi and Montagna: Italian family. 14 members had insomnia which led to death. Shows insomnia is hereditory
            1. Lacks generalisability
            2. Storms and Nisbett: Insomniacs were given a pill that would either sedate or arouse. Those who expected arousal went to sleep faster as they attributed their arousal with the pill and went to sleep
              1. Watson: Twin studies indicate that 50% of the variance for insomnia can be attributed genetically
                1. Not 100%, must be other factors
              2. External Factors
                1. Can be caused by the use of stimulants such as caffeine
                  1. Nicotine is a stimulant and it is found smokers take longer to fall asleep
                  2. Can be caused by drugs, such as alcohol
                    1. Noise and light can also affect sleep
                      1. Irregular sleeping hours and an inactive lifestyle can cause insomnia
                        1. Pain
                          1. Campbell and Murphy: shone a light on the back of a participants knees and it shifted their Arcadian
                            1. Shows that environmental factors can lead to insomnia
                        2. Sleepwalking
                          1. Internal Factors
                            1. Oliviero: GABA system that normally inhibits motor neurone activity isn't developed sufficiently in children and some adults
                              1. 10x more likely if an FDR has it, therefore can be inheritied
                                1. Bassati: 74 people that have SW, 50% had s specific gene which regulates the immune system
                                  1. Other 50%
                                  2. Lecendreux: 50% CR for MZ twins
                                    1. Not 100% must be environmental factors
                                  3. External Factors
                                    1. Sleep deprivation
                                      1. Drugs
                                        1. Diathesis-stress model
                                      2. Evaluation
                                        1. We need to know the difference between Primary/Secondary Insomnia. It is no good treating insomnia if it's a secondary disorder
                                          1. If someone has depression, it's better to treat the depression than the insomnia
                                            1. Oyahon and Roth:A study of almost 15000 Europeans found that insomnia often preceded another mood disorder
                                              1. However, can we generalise to other cultures?
                                            2. Watson: Twin studies indicate that 50% of the variance for insomnia can be attributed genetically
                                              1. Bonnet and Arand: Insomniacs experience hyperarousal, which makes it more difficult to get to sleep
                                                1. Diathesis-Stress model. We have the genetic predispositions, but we need the environment to trigger it
                                              2. Evaluation
                                                1. Bassati: 74 people that have SW, 50% had s specific gene which regulates the immune system
                                                  1. Lecendreux: 50% CR for MZ twins
                                                    1. Oliviero: GABA system that normally inhibits motor neurone activity isn't developed sufficiently in children and some adults
                                                      1. Diathesis-stress model
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