Key Terms


Data Representation Mapa Mental sobre Key Terms, creado por jramsden09 el 07/06/2013.
Mapa Mental por jramsden09, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por jramsden09 hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Key Terms
  1. Units
    1. Bit - A single binary digit: 1 or 0
      1. Byte - 8 Bits
        1. Nibble - 4 Bits
          1. Kilobyte - 1024 bytes
            1. Megabyte - 1024 Kilobytes
              1. Gigabyte - 1024 Megabytes
                1. Terabyte - 1024 Gigabytes
                2. Numbers
                  1. Binary - Base 2 number system, used by computers, uses the digits 1 & 0 only.
                    1. Denary - Base 10 number system, how we normally count, uses digits 0 to 9.
                      1. Hexadecimal (Hex) - Base 16 number system used by humans to represent groups of four bits at a time. Uses digits 0 to F.
                        1. Overflow - When the result of a numeric calculation is too large to be stored in the space reserved for that type of data.
                        2. Characters
                          1. Character set - The set of symbols that can be represented by a computer. The symbols are called characters and can be letters, digits, space, punctuation marks and some control characters such as “escape”. Each character is represented by a numerical code that is stored as a binary integer.
                            1. ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange: a 7-bit character set used by PCs. (There is also an extended ASCII character set that uses 8 bits.)
                              1. EBCDIC - Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code: an 8-bit character set used by older mainframes.
                                1. Unicode - A 16-bit character set that allows many more characters to be coded.
                                2. Images
                                  1. Bitmap image - An image that has been stored as a series of values per pixel. The colour of each individual pixel is stored in a file.
                                    1. Vector Graphic - An image file that is made up of lines and shapes that have certain properties, for example, a line may have the following properties: start- point, end-point, line colour, line thickness, line style. The properties of each shape are stored in a file to make up the image.
                                      1. Pixel - Short for picture element. It is the smallest component of a bit-mapped image.
                                        1. Colour depth - The number of bits used to represent the colour of a single pixel in a bitmapped image. Higher colour depth gives a broader range of distinct colours. For example, an image stored as a .gif file uses 8 bits per pixel so the image could use 256 different colours.
                                          1. Resolution - The number of pixels in an image expressed as: the-number-of-pixels-across x the-number-of-pixels-down eg: 400 x 600.
                                            1. Metadeta - Data about data. In the case of image files metadata is the data the computer needs to interpret the image data in the file, for example: resolution, colour depth and image dimensions.
                                            2. Sound
                                              1. Analogue - A continuously changing wave such as natural sound.
                                                1. Digital - Data that is made up of separate values. How data is stored on a computer.
                                                  1. Sample rate - The number of times per second that the sound wave is measured. The higher the rate the more accurately the sound wave is represented.
                                                    1. Sample interval - The time gap between measurements of the sound wave being taken. Another way of expressing the sampling rate.
                                                      1. Sample resolution - The number of bits used to store the value of each sample. The higher the number of bits the more accurately the value is stored.
                                                        1. ADC - Analogue to Digital converter: takes real-world analogue data and converts it to a binary representation that can be stored on a computer.
                                                        2. Data and information
                                                          1. Data - Facts and figures with no context or format to give them meaning.
                                                            1. Information - Processed data that has context and format so that it conveys meaning.
                                                            2. Instructions
                                                              1. Instruction set - The group of instructions available for that specific processor to use. The number of instructions available will depend on the number of bits used. For example, with 4 bits there could potentially be 15 different instructions.
                                                                1. OP Code - The group of bits in an instruction that represents the operation such as EAT, MOVE or TURN
                                                                  1. Compiler - A piece of systems software that converts a program written in a high level programming language into machine code (binary).
                                                                    1. Machine code - A binary representation of a program.
                                                                      1. High Level Programming Language - A programming language written in constructs using language we can understand. Languages include Delphi, Visual Basic, Java and C++.
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