

Mapa Mental sobre Jaundice, creado por Nadeen Adi el 04/03/2018.
Nadeen Adi
Mapa Mental por Nadeen Adi, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Nadeen Adi
Creado por Nadeen Adi hace alrededor de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Types and causes of jaundice
      1. Hepatitis
        1. Pathophysiology
          1. Antigen presentation
            1. Acute hepatitis
              1. Portal and lobular inflammation
                1. Hepatocellular apoptosis (councilman bodies)
                  1. Chronic hepatitis
                    1. Portal inflammation
                    2. Viral hepatitis
                      1. Signs and symptoms
                        1. Complications
                          1. Investigations
                            1. Hepatitis B
                                1. Hepatitis A
                                  1. Hepatitis C
                                  2. Treatment
                                    1. HBV
                                      1. Lamivudine
                                        1. Adefovir
                                          1. Entecavir
                                            1. Pegylated Interferon
                                            2. HCV
                                              1. Ribavirin
                                                1. Boceprevir
                                                  1. Sofosbuvir
                                                    1. Pegylated Interferon
                                                  2. Prevention
                                                    1. Vaccines
                                                      1. HBV vaccine
                                                        1. HAV vaccine
                                                2. Investigation
                                                  1. Treatment
                                                    1. Treat the cause
                                                    2. Yellowish discoloration of the skin and sclera of the eyes of the patient due to high levels of bilirubin in the blood
                                                      1. Metabolism of bilirubin
                                                        1. Bilirubin is producd by the liver
                                                          1. Histology of the liver
                                                            1. Anatomy of the liver
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