Spanish Armada 1588


What happened in the spanish Armada
Ibraheem Mohammd
Mapa Mental por Ibraheem Mohammd, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Ibraheem Mohammd
Creado por Ibraheem Mohammd hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Spanish Armada 1588
  1. Causes of the Armada
    1. Elizabeth became allies with Netherland (Netherland Belonged to Spain)
      1. Drake singes the King's beard
        1. Elizabeth Execute Mary Queen of Scot
          1. England was Protestant while Spain was Catholic
            1. Mary rejects Phillip hand in marriage
            2. Causes of Failure
              1. Spain did not have enough Men
                1. They did not have enough men
                  1. Food started to rot
                    1. The weather had cause a lot of damage in Spain
                    2. Event
                      1. Phillip had been preparing for the Armada to take revenge
                        1. It was delayed because the Francis Drake attacked the Armada before it got to England
                          1. 130 ships came to England
                            1. Weather destroyed the Armada
                              1. English boat were smaller and faster and had better cannon
                              2. Consequence
                                1. Spain became Bankrupt
                                  1. Lost silver and gold
                                  2. Spain empire became smaller while England empire became bigger and powerful
                                    1. Less than of the boat came back to spain
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