Khawla Has Complications


Mapa Mental sobre Khawla Has Complications, creado por phatema hk el 15/03/2018.
phatema  hk
Mapa Mental por phatema hk, actualizado hace más de 1 año
phatema  hk
Creado por phatema hk hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Khawla Has Complications
  1. Anatomy of the kidney
    1. vasculature
      1. relation
        1. layers
        2. Physiology
          1. glomerular filteration
            1. Clearance
            2. histology of kidney
              1. Renal cortex
                1. Renal medulla
                2. pathology of Glomerular diseases
                  1. Nephritic syndrome
                    1. types
                      1. Diffuse proliferative GN (post infectious GN)
                          1. IgA nephropathy
                          2. pathogensis
                          3. Nephrotic syndrome
                            1. types
                              1. Minimal change disease
                                1. EM : lose of podocyte
                                  1. C/P: edema
                                  2. Membranous GN
                                    1. LM(sliver)
                                    2. Focal Segmental Glomerulo-sclerosis
                                    3. pathogensis
                                  3. mangement
                                    1. Diuretics
                                      1. Thiazide diuretics
                                        1. Loop diuretics
                                          1. Potassium sparing diuretics
                                            1. Osmotic diuretics
                                            2. kidney transplantation
                                              1. immunological response
                                                1. process
                                                  1. Types
                                                    1. Deceased-donor kidney transplant
                                                      1. Living-donor kidney transplant
                                                        1. Pre-emptive kidney transplant
                                                    2. Renal function tests
                                                      1. Serum Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
                                                        1. Serum Creatinine
                                                          1. Serum BUN/Creatinine ratio
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