6: Living in a Diverse Society


Social Studies
Vienne Padon
Mapa Mental por Vienne Padon, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Vienne Padon
Creado por Vienne Padon hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

6: Living in a Diverse Society
  1. Interactions in a diverse society
    1. Common space (physical space, shared values, common experiences); builds national identity
      1. Provided by government/non-gov organisations
        1. Inter-Racial and Religious Confidence Circles (IRCCs)


          • - Community inter-racial and inter-faith platforms that promote racial and religious harmony - found in everyconstituency
          1. Organises inter-faith and inter-ethnic themed activities (heritage trails, talks, celebrations)
          2. OnePeople.sg (est. 1997)
            1. Spearhead programmes and initiatives fostering interactions and friendships among different ethnic groups
              1. CampTeen


                • - Youth racial harmony ambassador programme - organises bonding activities among youth
                • Enter text here...
            2. People’s Association
              1. Promote racial harmony and social cohesion by bridging government and people


                • Offers wide range of communtiy programmes and volunteering opportunitites
        2. Exchange and appreciation in a diverse society
          1. Attitude of oppeness
            1. Exchange and appreciation of culture
              1. Cultural exchanges
                1. Facilitate intercultural learning
                  1. Fusion (food)
                2. Exchange of skills and knowledge
                  1. Areas of research and development with overseas experts
                    1. Biomedical Research Council (BMRC) of Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)
                      1. Internationally renowned scientists with expertise and knowledge move to SG
                        1. H1N1 flu vaccine: from collab between A*STAR and Switzerland’s Cytos Biotechnology AG
                3. Challenges in a diverse society
                  1. Prejudice and misconceptions
                    1. Hate crimes
                      1. Arabs and Muslim Americans after 9/11 terrorist attacks
                      2. Hurtful remarks
                        1. Denial of rental accomodation
                        2. Competition for resources
                          1. Concerns over social mobility


                            • Refers to the movement of individuals between different socio-economic status, from high to low and vice versa
                            1. Income gaps increasing; social mobility being limited
                              1. May be due to shifting of jobs to regions with lower labour costs; affects lower income groups
                                1. Emphasizes re-training and learning of new skills
                                  1. Upholding principle of meritocracy
                                    1. Edusave Scholarship (top 10%) and Merit Bursary Schemes (top 25%)
                              2. Concerns over standard of living
                                1. Employment
                                  1. More foreigners, lesser job opportunities
                                    1. Construction sector: Rather hire foreign workers than to pay for local workers; reason for stagnant low wages for SGporeans in lower income group
                                    2. Tightened immigration framework; more stringent foreign workforce controls
                                      1. Reduce inflow of foreign manpower
                                        1. Monthly levy for Work Permit holders increasing since 2010
                                          1. Quotas for S Pass and Employment Pass holders reduced
                                            1. Eligibility criteria (monthly salaries) tightened since 2010
                                        2. Living Space and Infrastructure
                                          1. Increasingly congested public transport system
                                            1. Rail network expansion: by 100km to 280km by 2021
                                              1. More Integrated transport nodes
                                              2. Competition over healthcare resources
                                                1. More public housing hospitals and healthcare facilities
                                                2. Competition for availability of public housing
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