Diabetes mellitus


A-Levels (Nucleic acids, Genetic code and Mutations) Biology 5 Mapa Mental sobre Diabetes mellitus, creado por harry_bygraves el 14/06/2013.
Mapa Mental por harry_bygraves, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por harry_bygraves hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Diabetes mellitus
  1. Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder caused by a lack of insulin or a loss of responsiveness to insulin. It can result from incomplete development of, damage to, or disease of the islets of langerhans, the endocrine portion of the pancreas whhich secretes insulin
    1. Type 1; usually occurs suddenly in childhood. it appears to be an autoimmune disease; cells from the immune system attack beta cells in the islets of langerhan, destroying a persons ability to secrete insulin
      1. Type 2; usually occurs later in life. It is often caused by a gradual loss in the responiveness of cells to insulin, but it can also be due to an insulin deficiency
        1. Most people with type 1 diabetes are treated with insulin injections. Insulin cannot be taken orally, because, being a protein it would be digested in the alimentary canal. Insulin used to be obtainable only from non-human sources, but recombinat DNA technology has made human insulin available
          1. Most type 2 diabetics can control their blood glucose concentration by carefully regulating their diet and exercise. These people tend to become less responsive to insulin as they age. this can be ofset if necessary by injecting insulin
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