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Unit 1.6 V2 System Security
My Unit 1.6 GCSE Computing Mind map
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year 10
Mapa Mental por
Mathew Wheatley
, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por
Mathew Wheatley
hace más de 6 años
Resumen del Recurso
Unit 1.6 V2 System Security
Types of attack
Malware - MALicious softWARE
Files deleted, corrupted or encrypted
Can cause identity theft
Trojan Horses, Viruses and/or worms
Phishing - Disguising as a normal webpage
Peoples private accounts are accessed.
Brands lose high value data and therefore reputation
Brute Force Attack - Trial and Error Method
Access to Corporate Systems
Theft of Personal Data; passwords and your PIN
DDOS - Direct Denial Of Service, zombie computers flood a system causing it to crash
Loss of access for customers
Loss of revenue and reputation of the company
Data Interception - Packet Sniffing to extract data throughout its 'journey'
Usernames and passwords can be compromised
Loss of corporate data is possible
SQL Injections - Can change data in a database by inserting extra code into a text input box
Private data in file can be released / altered
Rogue records can be added
Preventing Vulnerabilities
Penetration Testing - Checks for potential vulnerabilities by a qualified person in a controlled environment
Network Forensics - Thorough Forensic Investigation of networks and their devices
Anti Malware - Prevents Malware
Anti Virus - Specifically targets computer viruses
Network Policies - Defines how a system can be secured through specific rules
Firewall - Software that performs a 'barrier'. 99.9% effective. Detects patterns
User Access Levels - Who can view what. Administrator makes a hierarchy
Passwords - Allow a time gap and limit number of attempts
Encryption - See Unit 1.5
Biometric Security
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