The Theme of Power in Macbeth and Modern Leaders


A curriculum on Macbeth focusing on the theme of power and responsible leadership. With a video essay as an assessment.
Pablo Boteyo
Mapa Mental por Pablo Boteyo, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Pablo Boteyo
Creado por Pablo Boteyo hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

The Theme of Power in Macbeth and Modern Leaders
  1. Historical Introduction to the play
    1. Introduction on theme of Power and Responisble Leadership
      1. Ask Three Questions: What is Power? What is Responsible Leadership? Does Macbeth relate to modern-day leaders?
        1. Reading of Macbeth while keeping these questions in mind.
          1. Guide students in a seminar style setting to get them thinking and sharing ideas. Also bring in articles from modern day leaders to keep the questions relevant to modern-day.
            1. Once this is done, complete a simple comprehension assessment regarding the play.
              1. Final Project: Video Essay
                1. Begin by having students use a mindmap website - similar to this one to outline their essay
                  1. Have students to research, discussion, and continue seminar style lessons to help students learn from each of their research methods, findings, or readings.
                    1. This will allow for collaboration and communication skills.
                      1. Have students submit their mindmap that they use for brainstorming ideas. Ask them to create a mindmap "script" to guide their final video essay.
                        1. Instead of students writing a real script, which could be an essay, have them make their points clear and cut on a mindmap and have their presentation be a guide from one point to the next. This allows them to be creative in their presentation, but also in the video essay graphics etc.
                          1. Have students turn in final project consisting of: Video Essay, Brainstorm Mindmap, and "Script" Mindmap
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