An early arrival


Mapa Mental sobre An early arrival, creado por phatema hk el 26/04/2018.
phatema  hk
Mapa Mental por phatema hk, actualizado hace más de 1 año
phatema  hk
Creado por phatema hk hace casi 7 años
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Resumen del Recurso

An early arrival
  1. Antenatal care
    1. objectives
      1. reduce maternal and perinatal morbidity
        1. Timely detection and management of complications
          1. Ensure the birth of a healthy child
            1. Ensure the health of the mother
            2. models
              1. Traditional ANC model
                1. Focused ANC
                2. Visits of anc
                  1. Initial visit
                    1. history
                      1. Present pregnancy
                        1. dating of gestational age
                          1. minor or major complaints
                          2. Past obstetric
                            1. Family history
                              1. familial medical conditions
                                1. history of congenital anomalies
                                2. Personal history
                                  1. medical illnesses
                                    1. of smoking, alcohol intake
                                  2. physical examination
                                    1. Vital signs and anthropometry
                                      1. Abdominal exam
                                        1. Fundal height
                                          1. Fetal heart auscultation
                                            1. Fetal presentation after the 28thweek
                                            2. Pelvic examination
                                              1. For uterine size
                                                1. Adnexal abnormalities
                                                  1. cervical softening
                                              2. Subsequent visits
                                            3. EDD calculation
                                              1. Stages of Labor
                                                1. Physical examination and investigations
                                                  1. PV examination
                                                    1. Uterine contraction
                                                      1. cervix dilation and effacement
                                                      2. Abdominal examination
                                                        1. Fundal Height
                                                        2. Auscultation
                                                          1. fetal heart rate
                                                        3. Apgar Score
                                                          1. Examination of Newborn Baby
                                                            1. body wight
                                                              1. Physical maturity
                                                                1. Skin textures
                                                                  1. Plantar creases
                                                                    1. Breast
                                                                      1. Eyes and ears
                                                                      2. Neuromuscular maturity
                                                                        1. Posture
                                                                          1. Square window
                                                                            1. Arm recoil
                                                                              1. Popliteal angle
                                                                                1. Scarf sign
                                                                              2. pre-term baby
                                                                                1. manegment
                                                                                  1. Prognosis
                                                                                    1. 32 and 33 weeks
                                                                                      1. 98 percent survival rate
                                                                                      2. 34 and 36 weeks
                                                                                        1. 99 percent chance of survival
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