2.3 Robust Programs


GCSE (2.3 Robust Programs) Computing Mapa Mental sobre 2.3 Robust Programs, creado por 2402 2003 el 30/04/2018.
2402 2003
Mapa Mental por 2402 2003, actualizado hace más de 1 año
2402 2003
Creado por 2402 2003 hace más de 6 años
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Resumen del Recurso

2.3 Robust Programs
  1. Data Validation
    1. Doesn't make data inputs accurate
      1. Checks that inputted data is sensible and reasonable
        1. Types of Validation Techniques
          1. Range
            1. Any value between x & y
            2. Verification
              1. Makes data accurate
                1. e.g. Dual Entry Passwords (typing the password in twice)
                2. Presence Check (*)
                  1. Required fields which need inputted data
                    1. e.g. Needing an age or gender
                  2. Test Data
                    1. Normal
                      1. Any value within range e.g. 7, 8, 9, 10,11
                      2. Extreme
                        1. Starting and end point of range e.g. 7, 11
                        2. Eroneous
                          1. Beyond Range (not sensible) e.g. 6, 1.5
                          2. Data which has been specifically identified for use in tests
                        3. Data Sanitisation
                          1. Reduces inputted waste
                            1. Makes sure the inputted data can be processed (changing numbers into integers)
                            2. Authentication
                              1. The plan when entering a password and username
                                1. Security Procedures
                                  1. How many entries of password until locking
                              2. Maintainablity
                                1. Maintaining System Coding
                                  1. Updates for Coding
                                  1. Comments done by users left in the coding to help other people to maintain the system
                                  2. Indents
                                    1. Organisation of Coding
                                      1. Makes it easier for people to look and read the code
                                        1. e.g. Spaces in between code
                                        2. Testing
                                          1. Tests in Coding
                                            1. Two Types
                                              1. Iterative
                                                1. Test as you go along
                                                  1. Constantly checking coding
                                                  2. Final/Terminal
                                                    1. Tests/checks done at the end
                                                      1. Tests you've identified can be done by:
                                                        1. Client - Person who provides the reqiuirement
                                                          1. User - Maintains the System
                                                            1. Audience - Uses/Views the code
                                                        2. Three types of coding errors
                                                          1. Runtime - Computer runs out of memory/no space on RAM (nothing wrong with coding)
                                                            1. Syntax - Grammar Errors in coding
                                                              1. Logic - True or False functions
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