Trailers Research


Mapa Mental sobre Trailers Research, creado por Charlotte King el 25/09/2014.
Charlotte King
Mapa Mental por Charlotte King, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Charlotte King
Creado por Charlotte King hace alrededor de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Trailers Research
  1. Action
    1. often a protagonist (hero) and an antagonist (villain)
      1. sideman joker princess
      2. fiction and non realistic
        1. superficial
          1. violence guns dramatic
            1. fire smoke
            2. free running stunts / jumping
              1. typical muscley men
            3. intense voiceovers
              1. typically a man
                1. dramatic angles
                  1. zoom in
                  2. background music
                    1. starts and stops with action and tense moments
                2. Romance
                  1. build up throughout
                    1. meaningful background music
                      1. voiceover
                        1. 1st person
                          1. story
                        2. constant text pops up on screen
                          1. rhetorical Qs
                            1. answered through following clip
                          2. clips of passion including hugging kissing and sexual scenes
                            1. childhood like scenes including sitting on benches and swings
                            2. two main characters
                              1. seduction
                                1. passion
                                2. characters lying on grass
                                  1. feelings
                                    1. mood
                                  2. Thriller/Horror
                                    1. Tension and suspense
                                      1. dramatic music
                                        1. flashbacks
                                          1. history/background of story in voiceover
                                          2. silent pauses for effect
                                            1. heavy breathing
                                              1. sudden screams or movement
                                                1. facts and stats
                                              2. blood and gore
                                                1. graphic scenes
                                                2. recorded footage shown on film
                                                3. Drama
                                                  1. background music
                                                    1. drums
                                                      1. no lyrics
                                                        1. clear beat
                                                          1. tension building
                                                          2. voiceovers
                                                            1. man speaking
                                                              1. 1st person
                                                              2. intense
                                                              3. fast pace editing
                                                                1. camera shots from face on
                                                                  1. no extreme close ups
                                                                  2. wide shots
                                                                    1. long shots
                                                                      1. party/group scenes
                                                                        1. lots of extras=big budgets
                                                                          1. audiences
                                                                    2. credits are bold
                                                                      1. block writing
                                                                        1. various clips - non continuous
                                                                          1. blackout at end
                                                                            1. exaggurated
                                                                              1. glamorous
                                                                          2. bold colours/primary
                                                                        2. light humour
                                                                          1. very American
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                                                                        Diego Santos
                                                                        Sistema Internacional de Unidades (SI)
                                                                        Raúl Fox
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                                                                        Raúl Fox
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                                                                        Admisión del Personal
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                                                                        Sistemas del Cuerpo Humano
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                                                                        Cáncer de Ovário
                                                                        Luz Moor
                                                                        COSTAS E RÍOS
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