Ohms law: The current flowing into
a circuit is directly proportional to
the voltage as long as the
temperature remains constant
is V=IR
Power: The rate at which energy is
used in a circuit over a period of
time (A generator is a producer of
Formula is
Energy: The capacity for
doing work
is W=PT
Motors convert electrical
energy into kinetic
Kirchoffs current and
voltage laws
The current law states that at any
junction the total current going into it
must equal the current leaving
In simple : I1+ I2 = I3
The voltage law states that in any closed loop in a
network, the algebraic sum of the voltage drops taken
around the loop is equal to the resultant EMF acting in
that loop.
In simple EMF=V1+V2+V3
Maximum power
transfer theorem
This states that when a resistance of a load
is equal to the internal resistance of the
supply the power transfer from the supply
to the load is at its maximum
In simple terms: When R=r the power
transferred from the source to the load is
at its maximum