Baddeley (1966)


Edexcel A Level Psychology: Cognitive Classical Study
Molly Burns
Mapa Mental por Molly Burns, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Molly Burns
Creado por Molly Burns hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Baddeley (1966)
  1. ABOUT
    1. AIM
      1. To find out if LTM encodes acoustically (based on sound) or semantically (based on meaning).
      2. IV
        1. (1) Acoustically similar word list or acoustically dissimilar
          1. (2) semantically similar word list or semantically dissimilar
          2. DV
            1. Score on a recall test of 10 words
            2. SAMPLE
              1. 72 men and women from the Cambridge University subject panel
                1. Volunteers
                  1. There were 15-20 in each condition (15 in Acoustically Similar, 16 in Semantically Similar).
              2. PROCEDURE
                1. The participants are split into four groups.
                  1. Each group views a slideshow of a set of 10 words. Each word appears for 3 seconds.
                    1. Participants get a list of words that share a similar sound (man, cab, can, max, etc)
                      1. The Control group get words that are all simple one syllable words but they do not sound the same (pit, few, cow, pen, etc)
                        1. The words share a similar meaning (great, large, big, huge, etc)
                          1. The Control group get words that are unconnected (good, huge, hot, safe, etc)
                          2. The participants in all 4 conditions then carry out an “interference test” which involves hearing then writing down 8 numbers three times.
                            1. Then they recall the words from the slideshow in order.
                            2. There are four “trials” and (as you would expect) the participants’ get better each time they do it because the words stay the same.
                              1. After the 4th trial, the participants get a 15 minute break and perform an unrelated interference task.
                                1. Then they are asked to recall the list again.
                                  1. This time the words themselves are still on display; it is the order of the words the participants have to recall.
                            3. RESULTS
                              1. Difficulty recalling semantically similar words in the LTM
                                1. Ppts found it difficult/confusing to recall acoustically similar words in the STM
                                2. CONCLUSION
                                  1. LTM encodes semantically
                                    1. STM encodes acoustically
                                    2. EVALUATION
                                      1. GENERALISAIBILITY
                                        1. A volunteer sample might have more people with parrticularly good memories who enjoy doing memory tests - not representative of people in general.
                                        2. RELIABILITY
                                          1. It has standardised procedures that you could replicate yourself.
                                          2. APPLICATION
                                            1. Revision - If LTM encodes semantically, it makes sense to revise using mind maps that use semantic links.
                                            2. VALIDITY
                                              1. Low ecological validity as the task is artificial and it is a lab experiment
                                              2. ETHICS
                                                1. No significant ethical issues
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