Key Individual Differences & Road to Success


Mapa Mental sobre Key Individual Differences & Road to Success, creado por icysnowy_11 el 28/09/2014.
Mapa Mental por icysnowy_11, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por icysnowy_11 hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Key Individual Differences & Road to Success
  1. Self-Concept
    1. Self-Esteem
      1. Can be boost by Personal Achievements & Praise
        1. Branden's 6 Pillars of Self-Esteem
          1. 1. Live Consciously
            1. 2. Be Self-Accepting
              1. 3. Take Personal Responsibility
                1. 4. Be Self-Assertive
                  1. 5. Live Purposefully
                    1. 6. Have Personal Integrity
                  2. Self-Efficacy
                    1. Sources
                      1. 1. Prior Experience
                        1. 2. Behavior Models
                          1. 3. Persuasion from others
                            1. 4. Physical & Emotional State
                            2. Positive correlation between Self-Efficacy&Job Performance
                            3. Self-Monitoring
                              1. Matter of Degree
                                1. High
                                  1. Highly responsive to social and interpersonal cues of app. performance
                                    1. More internal & external promotions
                                  2. Low
                                    1. Lack of motivation/ability to regulate their expressive self-presentation
                                2. Organizational Identity
                                  1. Occurs when one integrate beliefs of an org to one's identity
                                    1. Identify closely -> more loyal, committed and hardworking
                                3. Personality
                                  1. Big 5 Personality Dimensions
                                    1. 1. Extraversion
                                      1. Correlated (+) with promotions, salary & career advancement
                                      2. 2. Agreeableness
                                        1. 3. Conscientiousness
                                          1. Strongest correlation with performance
                                          2. 4. Emotional Stability
                                            1. 5. Openness to Experience
                                            2. Proactive Personality
                                              1. Unrestricted by situational forces & effects environ. change
                                                1. Internal Locus of Control
                                                  1. Belief that one controls events & consequences
                                                    1. Opposed by External Locus of Control
                                                      1. Attributes outcomes to environmental causes
                                                  2. Personality Testing
                                                  3. Abilities
                                                    1. Ability: Broad & stable chara. responsible for performance on physical&mental tasks
                                                      1. General mental ability needed for all cognitive tasks
                                                        1. 7 Mental Abilties
                                                          1. 1. Verbal Comprehension
                                                            1. 2. Word Fluency
                                                              1. 3. Numerical
                                                                1. 4. Spatial
                                                                  1. 5. Memory
                                                                    1. 6. Perceptual Speed
                                                                      1. Inductive Reasoning
                                                                    2. Unique to the task
                                                                    3. Skills: Capacity to physically manipulate objects
                                                                      1. Performance = Ability + Skill + Effort
                                                                      2. Emotions
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