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Causes of the 1917 February Revolution
AQA - Option 2N
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Mapa Mental por
James Barron
, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por
James Barron
hace casi 7 años
Resumen del Recurso
Causes of the 1917 February Revolution
Economic and Social unrest
By 1917, had reached 200%
Price of flour had grown by 500%
Grain shortages
Petrograd received less than half of it's grain requirements
Army rations reduced
Population movement
Due to war economy growth, many male farmers left the countryside to work in factories
Less people working the farms
Petrograd population grew by 500k in 4 years
Urban Unrest
Despite inflation, value of wage of indistrial workers halved
Workers Sriked in major cities (Moscow and Petro)
End 1914 = 10,000 1915 = 540,000 1916 = 880,000
Peasant Unrest
Conscription of young male peasants led to shortages on the farms
Requisition of horses for war effort made farming harder
Grain prices kept low, but with rising inflation, living standards fell
Failures of Romanovs
Departure of Tsar to war effort left Tsarina in charge
German Tsarina distrusted
People suspected she was a German agent
Her being in charge undermined the government
Suspicion of affair with Rasputin
Thought that Rasputin had a great deal of influence over the two, and it was him running the country
Rasputin disliked by the population of Russia
This was recognised by aristocrats
In December 1916, Prince Felix Yusopov and others assassinated Rasputin
Damaged perceived authority and autocracy
Fired and appointed ministers at an alrming rate
Destabilised Govt.
Stubborn Tsar
Convinced of his Divine right to rule
Rejected the offer of a Constitutional Monarchy from the Progressive Bloc
Rejected offer from the Zemgor to assist with war
Became voice of liberal discontent
Unable to recognise issues within his country
Events of 1905 gave him confidence that despite discontent, his regime would reign supreme
Weak Tsar
The Tsar lacked the leadership qualities and desire to be Tsar
More of a family man
Influenced easily by his wife
Impact of WWI
Tsar took direct control, directly responsible for failures
Many militaristic failures
Despite initial success and optimism for war, many battles lost
Battle of Tannenberg - 300,000 dead or wounded
Brusilov offensive (1916) into Austro-Hung front lines regarded as a success
Massive loss of life
Issues in arms rectified for offensive
Despite success, had no long term gain
By the end of that year, morale rock bottom - 1.4 million desertions
The amount of desertions was equal to the size of the professional army pre-war (Biggest in Europe)
Great Retreat of 1915
Combined with previous military failure in Russo-Japanese war, source of shame and discontent
Conscripted 1.2 million between 1914-17, but 2 out of 3 soldiers had rifles and artillery limited to 2-3 shells per day
Russian industry undeveloped compared to rest of Europe
Russian arms production comparatively ineefiicient
Transport infrastructure not suited to mass transport of resources, many trains couldn't reach front lines
Death of high ranking generals early on
Many Generals incompetent, and had job due to family rather than merit
Conscription of peasants, largely inexperienced, unhealthy and uneducated
Jacob became cool
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