

(Cryptography) Computer science Mapa Mental sobre Cryptography, creado por Cher Bachar el 22/06/2013.
Cher Bachar
Mapa Mental por Cher Bachar, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Cher Bachar
Creado por Cher Bachar hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. History
    1. Book- David Kahn- The code breakers (1996)
      1. Ciphers
        1. Symmetric Ciphers


          • Because both D and E use the same secret key; K
          1. E; Encryption algorithm
            1. D; Dicription algorithm
            2. 1. Substitution ciphers


              • substituting one letter with another
              1. Solving- cipher text only attack
                1. frequency of english letters
                  1. E: 12.7%
                    1. T: 9.1%
                      1. A: 8.1%
                        1. The rest appear similarly
                        2. frequency of pairs of letters
                          1. 'he', 'ar', 'in', 'th'
                        3. size of key space
                          1. 26!
                        4. Caesar cipher
                          1. Not a cipher- doesn't have a key
                            1. A fixed substitution
                              1. Easy to solve because it's not random
                              2. 2. Vigener cipher (16th century, Rome)
                                1. k= cipher text (e.g. crypto) repeated
                                  1. m= message
                                    1. c= k+m
                                      1. Solving
                                        1. length of the key, e.g. 6
                                          1. break c into groups of 6
                                            1. work out the most common letter in the set and substract by E
                                          2. 3. Rotor machines (1870-1943)


                                            • ciphers used to decode an electric mechine
                                            1. Disk rotates by one
                                              1. Enigma machine
                                              2. 4. Data encryption standards; DES (1974)


                                                • Federal law- a standard for encryptions DES: key = 2^56, block size = 64 bits>> currently insecure
                                                1. Today
                                                  1. AES (2001)
                                                    1. Salsa20 (2008)
                                              3. What is it?
                                                1. Uses
                                                  1. Encryption of files
                                                    1. Protection
                                                      1. User authentication
                                                        1. Limitations
                                                          1. Not a solution for all security problems
                                                            1. Useless unless implemented correctly
                                                          2. 1. Secret Keys
                                                            1. Single use


                                                              • used to encrypt one message
                                                              1. Multiple use


                                                                • can be used to encrypt multiple messages- needs more machinery and security 
                                                              2. 2. Digital signatures- how to


                                                                • how to create a digital signature that will be hard to forge
                                                                1. 3. Anonymous communication
                                                                  1. Mix net


                                                                    • when sending messages they get encrypted in the process, so a person would only be able to tell the output and not the identity of the sender
                                                                    1. bidirectional
                                                                      1. anonymous digital cash


                                                                        • Need to prevent double spending-  If someone spends more than once the identity becomes revealed
                                                                        1. Secure Multi-party computation
                                                                          1. 'Trusted party'


                                                                            • So there is a middle party which gets all the data before revealing the output
                                                                            1. No trusted party


                                                                              • There is always a way to compute the output without a middle party 
                                                                          2. 4. Secure communication
                                                                            1. Three steps:
                                                                              1. Precisely specific threat model


                                                                                • What an attacker can do to an encryption >> make it unforgable
                                                                                1. Provide a construction
                                                                                  1. Proving that breaking a construction under threat model will solve an underlying hard problem


                                                                                    • If an attacker can break the construction they can use that to make it harder to break
                                                                                  2. Crypto-magic
                                                                                    1. Privately outsourcing computation


                                                                                      • allows to compute encrypted data- e.g. running a search on google on encryption data
                                                                                      1. Zero knowledge


                                                                                        • Proving you solved something without providing the solution >> e.g. proving that you know what the prime numbers are of a certain value N-pxq 
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