Comparing and contrasting CBI, CLT, TBI


Mapa Mental sobre Comparing and contrasting CBI, CLT, TBI, creado por Santiago Rico el 30/09/2014.
Santiago Rico
Mapa Mental por Santiago Rico, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Santiago Rico
Creado por Santiago Rico hace alrededor de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Comparing and contrasting CBI, CLT, TBI
  1. Comparing CBI CLT TBI
    1. Language Theory
      1. Making meanig
        1. Languages involve meaning
          1. Learning Theory
            1. Context the key to develop the language
              1. Learning through real communicative situations
                1. Design : To develop, acquire, and learn Language skills
                  1. Syllabus: Depending on the languages issues of the courses
                    1. Teachers Role: To integrated both objectives of method and learning theory.
                    2. Types of learning and teaching activities: Making conection between material created for the course and the students and teacher needs.
                      1. Learners Role: Autonomous learning: 1 interact with others. 2 practice with another resources. 3 monitoring and evaluating theyself.
                        1. Procedure : Teaching materials and activities are selected according goal. in orden to develop the lenguage created critical awareness.
                2. Contrasting CBI CLT TBI
                  1. Based subject topic matter
                    1. Language based on real work task
                      1. Basics activities
                        1. Language theory
                          1. Promote the communicative competences , acquired knowledge and ability for the use of the Lg
                            1. Meaning and use of language models, structures
                              1. Theory of learning Knowledge acquisition
                                1. Design : Language as a mean of expression, creating spontaneous communicative interaction.
                                  1. Syllabus: need languages. languages structure. funtion competences, skills
                                    1. Types of learning and teaching actitivies languages skill improvement, vocabulary building, communicative competences, Task.
                                      1. Learners Role: groups, individual. Learning process and the object of learning.
                                        1. Teacher Role: Facilitate communicative process, created tasks according to the needs of students.
                                          1. Procedure : Oral activities, task evaluating process, material for new topic.
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