2. Learning verbs with didactic games such as the
drowned one where we see and form verbs, objects,
animals, professions where the student will expand
their vocabulary and interacting with the student and
the teacher.
5. Implement the technologies and resources offered
by the school to give the classes and predetermined
7. Implement pedagogical outings where the student is
instructed by a person where they are taught stories
and culture in the English language
juan amos comenio
1. Classes with karaoke in English, to instruct us in
pronunciation and new words. Learning the structures
of the language in its different times through music,
taking it as a grammatical example
6. That the students present a project where they talk
about some social problems or topics of national
8.next we will be some of the main historical authors
who contributed to the pedagogical improvement
juan luis vives
4. Conduct discussions on any issue of validity in
which a conclusion can be made on each topic that is
being discussed.
3. Classes with history documentaries or any other
topic in English in order to be more fluent and listen to
the pronunciations of each word