
Mapa Mental sobre ANTONIO, creado por Mollie Webb-Macleod el 25/05/2018.
Mollie Webb-Macleod
Mapa Mental por Mollie Webb-Macleod, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Mollie Webb-Macleod
Creado por Mollie Webb-Macleod hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Duchess falls in love because he's weak
    1. Grown up with her brothers controlling her - now she has control over someone
      1. Social Class
      2. Hes weak - not normal for a male of there time
        1. Duchess appears much stronger because he's so weak
      3. Got no loyalty to the brothers
        1. Uninteresting
          1. Not ambitious - would be more confident if he wanted to move up the social ladder
            1. Do things change in their relationship overtime?
              1. Yes - comfortable with her so can tease her
                1. Don't see real love until they are dead - care when its too late
                2. Unable to say 'no' to the Duchess (proposal scene)
                  1. She's forceful
                    1. Doesn't have a reason of marrying the Duchess
                    2. Unheroic
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