Should Brazilian soccer team win FIFA world cup this year even with country’s political situation?


Mapa Mental sobre Should Brazilian soccer team win FIFA world cup this year even with country’s political situation?, creado por Julio Leite el 05/07/2018.
Julio Leite
Mapa Mental por Julio Leite, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Julio Leite
Creado por Julio Leite hace alrededor de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Should Brazilian soccer team win FIFA world cup this year even with country’s political situation?
  1. I guess yes, because this would change the political situation of the country.
    1. What soccer intervene in political situation?
    2. I guess not, because the people need to stop watch soccer games and pay attention in politics.
      1. The person can't pay attention to both?
      2. I guess yes, because the players would help with donations.
        1. What ensures that they will help?
        2. I guess not, because they wouldn't help the country.
          1. Since when they've obligation to help the country?
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