Disappearing of Tropical Rainforest


Mapa Mental sobre Disappearing of Tropical Rainforest, creado por Priscilla Lee el 04/08/2018.
Priscilla Lee
Mapa Mental por Priscilla Lee, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Priscilla Lee
Creado por Priscilla Lee hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Disappearing of Tropical Rainforest
  1. Characteristic
    1. Luxuriant growth
      1. Evergreen nature
        1. Layered structure
          1. Tree with speical features
            1. Rich diversity of plant species
            2. Physical enviornment
              1. Temperature
                1. Rainfall
                  1. convection rain
                2. Nutrient cycling
                  1. Biomass = total weight of living organism (the largest)
                    1. Litter (the smallest)
                      1. Soil
                      2. Destruction in rainforest
                        1. Commerical agriculture
                          1. cattle ranching
                            1. plantation
                            2. Small-scale farming
                              1. shifting cultivation
                                1. subsistence farming
                                2. commerical logging
                                  1. selective logging
                                    1. clear-cutting
                                    2. Infrastructure and mining activities
                                      1. roads and highways
                                        1. dams (HEP)
                                          1. mining and oil gas exploitation
                                        2. Cause of destruction
                                          1. population growth
                                            1. poverty
                                              1. government policy
                                                1. Shifting diet and globalized market
                                                  1. rising global price of timber
                                                    1. technological advancement
                                                    2. Effect of large-scale tropical rainforest
                                                      1. Natural envirnment
                                                        1. Atmospheric enviorment
                                                          1. Hydrosphere enviornment
                                                            1. Lithospheric environment
                                                              1. Biosphere
                                                              2. Human envionrment
                                                                1. Threat to livelihood of the native people
                                                              3. Measures to portect TRF
                                                                1. Tapping more resources from existing cleared land
                                                                  1. Restore degraded forested land
                                                                    1. Establish and expand protected areas
                                                                      1. Control the population size
                                                                        1. Eco-tourism
                                                                          1. Development of the national park
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