Why breastfeeding is beneficial to infants, mothers & communties


Mapa Mental sobre Why breastfeeding is beneficial to infants, mothers & communties, creado por Nicole Strange el 18/10/2014.
Nicole Strange
Mapa Mental por Nicole Strange, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Nicole Strange
Creado por Nicole Strange hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Why breastfeeding is beneficial to infants, mothers & communties
  1. Babies that are breastfed, get sick less often (Ministry of Health, 2014)
    1. Helps to improve immunity to illness - some protection against a range of infections, escpecially ear, stomach and respiratory infections & obesity in adulthood (Ministry of Health, 2014)
      1. Creates a strong bond in the baby's first important relationship - helps the pathways in baby's brain to develop properly
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