Research Methods


IB (Research Methods) Psychology Mapa Mental sobre Research Methods, creado por Eleanor Matthewman el 15/07/2013.
Eleanor Matthewman
Mapa Mental por Eleanor Matthewman, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Eleanor Matthewman
Creado por Eleanor Matthewman hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Research Methods
  1. Quantitave research methods
    1. Those which focus on numbers and frrequencies rather than those on meaning and experience
      1. eg experiments, questionnaires and psychometric tests
      2. Qualitative research methods
        1. ways of collecting data which are concerned with describing meaning, rather than with drawing statistical inferences
          1. eg case studies and interviews
          2. Variables
            1. Independant variable- the variable that the researcher manipulates
              1. Dependant variable- the varialbe with is measured
                1. IV affects the DV
                  1. Operationalisations means making the variables measurable
                    1. Confounding variables are those which are not the IV but may affect the DV
                    2. Hypothesis
                      1. Non directional says that there will be a differece between results but not what that difference will be
                        1. Directional tells you that there will be a difference between two results and predicts the difference
                          1. Null predicts that there will be no difference
                            1. DO NOT: include an explanation or use imprecise terms
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