Mild Cognitive Impairment


undergraduate Psychology of Ageing and Dementia Mapa Mental sobre Mild Cognitive Impairment, creado por Olivia Dohren el 20/10/2014.
Olivia Dohren
Mapa Mental por Olivia Dohren, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Olivia Dohren
Creado por Olivia Dohren hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Mild Cognitive Impairment


  • transitional state between cognition of normal ageing and mild dementia. DSM 4
  1. criteria of MCI


    • Peterson
    1. subjective memory complaint, corroborated by informant
      1. objective memory complaint - memory clinic
        1. dementia absent
          1. unaffected general cognitive function
            1. normal performance of daily activities
            2. types of MCI
              1. Amnestic
                1. progresses to AD
                2. multiple domains
                  1. progresses to:
                    1. AD
                      1. Vascular Dementia
                        1. Normal Ageing
                      2. single non memory domain
                        1. progresses to:
                          1. frontotemporal dementia
                            1. lewy body dementia
                              1. primary progressive aphasia
                                1. vascular dementia
                            2. MCI doesn't always lead to Dementia
                              1. Ritchie et al (2001)
                                1. high percentage of patients with MCI or AACD did not convert to dementia
                                2. Palmer et al (2002)
                                  1. pps with mild, moderate and severe CIND improved over 3 year study period
                                  2. does MCI need to be defined differently e.g. amnestic vs multiple domains
                                    1. need to study different populations
                                      1. data collection - opportunity vs memory clinic
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