The Weimar Republic


IB (Nazi Germany) History Mapa Mental sobre The Weimar Republic, creado por Eleanor Matthewman el 22/07/2013.
Eleanor Matthewman
Mapa Mental por Eleanor Matthewman, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Eleanor Matthewman
Creado por Eleanor Matthewman hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

The Weimar Republic
  1. Opposition to the WR
    1. Germany was not used to a democracy
      1. land was lost
        1. Blamed for treaty of Versailles- scapegoat
          1. Other political parties eg nazis
            1. Public believed that they were winning the war before the WR
            2. Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated on 9th November 1918
              1. The 'Stab in the back' theory was the idea that Germany was betrayed by those who had signed the armistice
                1. A new constitution was created for Germay
                  1. Proportional representation meant that parties received a fair share of seats in the Reichtag but weakened the government because there was not a majority party so coalition government had to be created
                    1. Article 48 meant that in an emergency, the president could make laws without going to the Reichtag
                      1. In 1920 the social democrats formed the majority of the Richtag
                        1. Ebert was the president of the Weimar Republic
                          1. The president was elected every seven years and the chancellor was appointed by the president
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