i.e "stand-up" meetings
for core design team
meetings to ensure
productivity => Google's
desire to work hard
Easier to change than
the less visible aspects
Espoused Values
Explicitly states values and
norms preferred by org
VS Enacted values: values and
norms exhibited by employees
impt to reduce gaps b/w
espoused and enacted values
=> can sig. influence
employee attitudes and org
Basic Assumptions
unobservable, rep core of
org culture, guide org beh
Org values that are taken
for granted, highly resistant
to change
PE Fit: Compatibility b/w
an indiv and work
environment that occurs
when characteristics are
higher job
commitment, lower
intentions to quit
Types of Org Culture
(Competing Values Framework)
Never a "pure" culture type =>
contradictions impt => org's success may
depend on its ability to possess core
values associated w competing cultural
types (The Need for Balance, Quinn)
Four functions of org
1. Give members an
org identity, i.e
2. Facilitate collective
3. Promote social
system stability =>
extent to which work
env perceived as +ve
and reinforcing,
extent to which
conflict and change
are effectively
4. Shape behaviour by
helping members make
sense of surroundings =>
help employees
understand reasons
behind org's actions and
how it intends to
accomplish LT goals