Loss of consciousness for a few seconds to a few minutes / No
loss of consciousness, but a state of being dazed, confused or
disoriented / Headache / Nausea or vomiting / Fatigue or
drowsiness / Problems with speech / Difficulty sleeping /
Sleeping more than usual / Dizziness or loss of balance
Moderate to severe
Loss of consciousness from several minutes to hours / Persistent
headache or headache that worsens / Repeated vomiting or nausea /
Convulsions or seizures / Dilation of one or both pupils of the eyes /
Clear fluids draining from the nose or ears / Inability to awaken from
sleep / Weakness or numbness in fingers and toes / Loss of
coordination / Profound confusion / Agitation, combativeness or other
unusual behavior / Slurred speech / Coma
Glasgow Coma Scale
Practical method to assess the impairment in the level
of conscious in response to specific stimuli
RESOLUCIÓN NÚMERO 02903 DEL 23/06/2017 Reglamento para el uso de la fuerza y el empleo de armas, municiones, elementos y dispositivos menos letales, por la Policía Nacional”