Colombia's foreign language education policies


Magisterio Mapa Mental sobre Colombia's foreign language education policies, creado por CATALINA TORRES ZAPATA el 15/10/2018.
Mapa Mental por CATALINA TORRES ZAPATA, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por CATALINA TORRES ZAPATA hace casi 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Colombia's foreign language education policies
  1. started in
    1. 19th Century (1826)
      1. with
        1. Multilingual law of March
          1. Spanish
            1. Results
              1. Did not have practical effects
              2. English
                1. Latin
                  1. Greek
                    1. French
                      1. Indigenous
                2. 20th Century
                  1. 70's
                    1. 1970
                      1. Extinction of latin in schools
                      2. 1979
                        1. French as a subject for secundary school (10th and 11th grades)
                      3. 80's
                        1. 1989
                          1. British Council Report
                            1. English language teaching and learning
                        2. 90's
                          1. 1991
                            1. Colombian's political costitution
                              1. provided
                                1. recognition of all indigenous languages
                                2. There was an
                                  1. Economical policiy expansion
                                  2. Cultural richness
                                    1. needed to improve
                                      1. English level
                                        1. specially teacher's
                                          1. arose
                                            1. COFE
                                              1. was created to improve
                                                1. teaching English
                                                  1. by
                                                    1. Goverment of United Kingdom British Council and Colombia
                                                2. ending in 1997
                                        2. Colombian's multiligual
                                      2. 1994
                                        1. General law of Education
                                          1. stated
                                            1. The adquisition of elements as
                                              1. conversation
                                                1. reading
                                                  1. as a desirable goal
                                        2. 21st Century
                                          1. 2004-2019 National Bilingualism Programme (NBP)
                                            1. to propel
                                              1. learning English in
                                                1. schools
                                                  1. universities
                                                2. under the supervision of
                                                  1. The British Council
                                                    1. presented by
                                                      1. President Juan Manuel Santos
                                                        1. Minister of Education Maria Fernanda Campo
                                                  2. 2013
                                                    1. Bilingualism Law
                                                      1. was enacted to modify 1994's General Education of Law
                                                        1. to
                                                          1. reflect the horizon of English as a technical tool for employment
                                                            1. Social Development
                                                    2. 2014
                                                      1. 2015-2025Colombia very well!
                                                        1. 2015
                                                          1. Change to
                                                            1. Colombia Bilingüe
                                                          2. was criticism for its deliberate focus on English and not addressing bilingualism in the academic sense
                                                            1. causing
                                                              1. lack of credibility
                                                            2. adopting
                                                              1. without
                                                                1. adapting
                                                                  1. not taken into account
                                                                    1. Colombian context
                                                                      1. as a
                                                                        1. social conditions
                                                                      2. opinios
                                                                        1. from
                                                                          1. English teachers
                                                                            1. Principal secretaries of education
                                                                              1. Indigenous community
                                                                                1. scholars
                                                                                  1. principals
                                                                    2. 2014-2018
                                                                      1. looking for a new strategies
                                                                        1. as a
                                                                          1. Foreign Native Trainers
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